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So, there it is - your 1949 Bison.
Underclassmen -
Activities, Plays, Assemblies, Organizations -
Patrons , Hit Parade , Autographs -
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by the Clearfield Area School District
The 1949 Bison Yearbook
Clearfield, PA
1949 Cover |
Inside . |
. . Cover |
Frontispiece |
Intro |
CHS Picture |
Bison Board |
Joe Henry |
Dedication |
Foreword |
Contents |
Miss Wisor/Mr. Mead |
"Vigilantes" |
Administration |
Faculty 1 |
Faculty 2 |
Faculty 3 |
Faculty 4 |
Faculty 5 |
Candids |
"Fortune Hunters" |
Sr. Class |
Candids |
Adams-Boyle |
Braniff-Cleaver |
Cole-E.Daisher |
W.Daisher-Dixon |
Donner-Flegal |
Friberg-Hess |
Hipps-Johnson |
Jones-Krumbine |
Kurtz-Learish |
Leone-McCoy |
McCreight-Magnuson |
Maines-D.Mitchell |
E.Mitchell-Norris |
Novey-Proud |
Quigley-Rowles |
Rummings-Shaffer |
Shalcross-Spingola |
Stebbins-Todaro |
Triponey-Wiggins |
Wighaman-Young |
Candids |
Jr. Class History |
Homeroom 16 |
18 & 19 |
21 & 23 |
28 |
30 & Jr. Ag. |
Jr. Voc. |
Candids |
Soph Class History |
Homeroom 1 |
2 & 3 |
5 & 8 |
27 |
34 & Ag |
Soph. Voc. |
Play Scene |
"Wreckreation" |
Candids |
Candids |
Candids |
Candids |
Candids |
Candids |
Candids |
Candids |
Candids |
"Miners Meetings" |
Dance Band |
Band |
Drama Club |
Commercial Club |
G. Chorus/Latin |
Photo/B. Chorus |
Bison Board |
Student Council |
Yarn/FTA |
Nature/Int. Relations |
Orchestra |
Triangle |
Dance/Varsity |
Hillbilly/Usherettes |
Rifle Club |
Library Club |
Stagecraft |
B-Ball Game |
"Feudin' " |
Football 1 |
Football 2 |
Basket . . |
. . Ball |
Wrestling 1 |
Wrestling 2 |
Baseball |
Track |
Girls' B-Ball |
Letterwinners |
Ind. Scores |
Sports Shots |
Scores . . |
. . In Review |
Candids |
Sports -
Bisonettes |
Patrons 1 |
Patrons 2 |
"Higher Ed." |
"Strange" |
Melody Lane |
Autographs |
Seniors -
Cover , Administration , Faculty -